

    "We spent countless hours cleaning
    our floors after mealtime! The Crumb Catcher is truly a life saver!"

      Happy Mom

  • No More Messes!

    "Can't believe someone didn't think
    of this sooner! This thing collects pounds of food per week that would have been eaten by our dogs!"

    Clean Floor Guy

  • Game Changer!

    "So grateful for the crumb catcher.
    Our floors are spotless even though our munchkin still loves throwing her food!"

    Content Parent

My Story

Hi, my name is Cruz! I am a fifth generation Colorado native baby that truly enjoys throwing my food on the floor.

I think it is funny to feed my French bulldog pup, named Huey!

My parents don't like cleaning up after me and apparently Huey has a sensitive tummy. My parents and my great uncle built a contraption to foil my attempts at feeding Huey and messing up our floors!

No fun for me but they seem pretty pleased with themselves.